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Strain characteristic: DBA/2J Jcl

Strain characteristic: BALB/cAJcl・BALB/cByJJcl

Strain characteristic: C57BL/6J Jcl

Strain characteristic: C3H/HeJJcl・C3H/HeNJcl

Academic Reference Archive (参考文献アーカイブ):CE-2

Examples of Previous Service: Brain and Plasma Collection Services

Examples of Previous Service : Research on Symptoms and Treatments:6-OHDA-Induced Parkinson's Disease Model Rat Creation

Examples of Previous Contracts (クレア受託サービス前例紹介):脳摘出及び血漿採材のサービス

Examples of Previous Contracts (クレア受託サービス前例紹介):症状や治療法の研究に: 6-OHDAによるパーキンソンモデル動物作出

Diet Research Data:Long-term Feeding Study of AIN-93G and CLEA Purified Diets in BrlHan:WIST@Jcl(GALAS) Rats

Diet Research Data:Long-term Feeding Study of AIN-93G and CLEA Purified Diets in C57BL/6J Jcl Mice

Diet Research Data (試験データ集):BrlHan:WIST@Jcl(GALAS)ラットに対するAIN-93GおよびCLEA基礎精製飼料の長期給与試験結果
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