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Strain characteristic: DBA/2J Jcl

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Strain characteristic: DBA/2J Jcl

Profile of DBA/2J Jcl Mice


Foster et al eds., The Mouse in Biomedical Research, Volume I: 1981; Volume II: 1982; Volume III: 1983; Volume IV: 1982, Academic Press Inc. New York.


Biochemical and Immunological Loci

Biochemical and Immunological Loci DBA/2J Jcl Mice




  • Conventional environment:
Male: 707 days, Female: 714 days (Storer, 1966)
Male: 722 ± 30 days, Female: 683 ± 26 days (Goodrick, 1975)
  • S.P.F. environment:

Male: 629 days, Female: 719 days (Festing and Blackmore, 1971)


Naturally Occurring Tumors and Lesions

  • The incidence of primary lung tumors is 1% in males and 2% in females (Hoag, 1963)
  • The incidence of lymphatic leukemia is 0% in males, 2% in multiparous females, and 3% in nulliparous females (Hoag, 1963). The incidence of mammary tumors is 1% in males, 72% in multiparous females, and 48% in nulliparous females (Hoag, 1963).
  • At 20 weeks of age, the incidence of type B reticulum cell sarcoma is 18% (Dunn, 1968)
  • Mammary tumors are often of the acinar type (Tengbergen, 1970)
  • The incidence of leukemia is 3% (Meyers, 1970)
  • The incidence of pericardial and myocardial calcification is 63% in males and 79% in females at 2-3 months of age, reaching 90% at 1 year of age (Rings & Wagner, 1971)
  • A high-fat diet increases the incidence of heart calcium deposition by 4-5% (Rings et al., 1972 & G. T. Eaton, 1978)


Immunological Characteristics

  • Low susceptibility to BALB/Tennant leukemia virus (Tennant, 1965)
  • 21% of individuals have antinuclear antibodies (Barnes, 1967)
  • Low concentration of anti-DNA antibodies (Paul, 1970)
  • Weak immune response to Type I pneumococcal polysaccharide (Braly, 1971)
  • Weak immune response to Cholera A and B antigens (Cerny, 1971)
  • Weak immune response to oval mucoid and ovalbumin (Prn-Gly-Pro)n, but good immune response to (Pro 66, Gly 34)n (Fuchs, 1974)
  • Resistant to anaphylactic shock induced by ovalbumin (Tanioka, 1971)
  • More susceptible to developing leukemia after sensitization with Friend virus (Dietz, 1972)
  • Hyperglycemia can be induced by encephalomyelitis virus, leading to diabetes (Boucher, 1975)
  • Resistant to infection with Salmonella typhimurium C5 (Plant, 1974)
  • Erythrocytes show high agglutinability (Rubinstein, 1974)
  • High susceptibility to passive cutaneous anaphylactic shock mediated by IgG1, but low susceptibility to that mediated by IgE (De Souza, 1974)
  • Susceptible to the effects of liver flukes (Zelentsov, 1974)
  • Susceptible to the effects of intestinal helminths (Eaton, 1974)


Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics

  • No preference for alcohol (Fuller, 1964, McClearn, 1965, Rodgers, 1966)
  • High sensitivity to TSH (Lery, 1965)
  • Low brain cholinesterase levels (Pryor, 1966)
  • High serum cholinesterase levels (Angel, 1967)
  • Low N'-methyl nicotinamide oxidase activity (Huff, 1967)
  • Develop auditory seizures (Fuller, 1967)
  • Lower aldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activity than C57BL/6J (Sheppard, 1968)
  • High liver-aminolaevulinic dehydrase activity (Doyle, 1969)
  • Low liver α-pyrene hydroxylase activity (Kodama, 1970)
  • High serum haptoglobin levels (Peacock, 1970)
  • Liver 8-aminolevulinic acid synthetase activity increases after DDC treatment (Gross, 1971)
  • Low concentrations of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the adrenal gland (Ciranella, 1972)
  • Low Na/K ratio in erythrocytes and serum (Waymouth, 1973)
  • Fasting decreases liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity (Blake, 1973)
  • High calcium consumption in the heart (Mokler, 1973)
  • High brain L-glutamic acid decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase activity (Tunnicliff, 1973)
  • High liver urokinase activity (Hanford, 1974)
  • Low levels of PGF (Prostaglandin F) in the epididymis (Bar, 1975)
  • High ability to hydroxylate coumarin (Lush, 1975)
  • High arterial blood pH (Sinha, 1975)


Pharmacological Characteristics

  • Susceptible to cleft palate induction by cortisone (Kalter, 1965)
  • Low incidence of convulsions induced by flurothyl (Davis, 1967)
  • Long sleep time induced by hexobarbital and low liver hexobarbital oxidase activity (Vesell, 1968)
  • Resistant to skin tumor formation by DMBA (Thomas, 1973)
  • Hepatic epoxide hydrase activity does not increase after intraperitoneal administration of pentobarbital (Oesch, 1973)
  • Resistant to subcutaneous tumor induction by 3-methylcholanthrene (Kouri, 1973)
  • Resistant to colon adenoma induction by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (Evans, 1974)
  • Resistant to teratogenicity induced by 1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea (Diwan, 1974)
  • Susceptible to chloroform toxicity (Hill, 1975)


Anatomical Characteristics

  • Incidence of accessory spleens is 21% (Hummel, 1966), and the spleen is large at all ages (Albert, 1966)
  • Total white blood cell count and total red blood cell count are high, but hemoglobin is low (Russell, 1951)
  • Brain weight is heavy (Storer, 1967)
  • The volume of the cerebrum, anterior pituitary gland, and neocortex is small (Wimer, 1969)
  • Testicular weight is heavy (Shire, 1972)
  • Heart-to-body weight ratio is large (Mokier, 1973)
  • The proportion of acidophilic and chromophobic cells in the anterior pituitary gland is low (Keramidas, 1973)

※Quoted and modified from Jcl NEWS No.1, issued October 1, 1989, by CLEA Japan, Inc., Development Division.



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