NOD/ShiJcl Academic Reference List(参考文献アーカイブ)
Related CLEA Japan product: NOD/ShiJcl
Related CLEA Japan product: NOD/ShiJcl
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Koyanagi Y, Tanaka Y., Tanaka R., Misawa N., Kawano Y., Tanaka T., Miyasaka M., Ito M., Ueyama Y., Yamamoto N.
High levels of viremia in hu-PBL-NOD-scid with HIV-1 infection.
Leukemia. 1997; 11: 109-12. [PMID:9209314]
Koyanagi Y, Tanaka, T., Kira, J., Ito, M., Hioki, K., Misawa, N., Kawano, Y., Yamasaki, K., Tanaka, R., Suzuki, Y., Ueyama, Y., Terada, E., Tanaka, T., Miyasaka, M., Kobayashi, T., Kumazawa, Y. & Yamamoto, N.
Primary viremia and CNS inavasion with HIV-1 in a novel hu-PBL-immunodeficient mouse.
J Virol. 1997; 71: 2417-24. [PMID:9032379]
Xu MJ, Tsuji K, Ueda T, Mukouyama YS, Hara T, Yang FC, Ebihara Y, Matsuoka S, Manabe A, Kikuchi A, Ito M, Miyajima A, Nakahata T.
Stimulation of mouse and human primitive hematopoiesis by murine embryonic aorta-gonad-mesonephros-derived stromal cell lines.
Blood. 1998; 92(6): 2032-40. [PMID: 9731061]
植田高弘, 吉野浩, 海老原康博, 真部淳, 菊地陽, 辻浩一郎, 中畑龍俊.
日本産婦人科・新生児血液学会誌. 1998; 8(2): 57-8.
蔵本悦郎, 徳永徹, 山本三郎, 本多三男.
宿主媒介性抗エイズウイルス薬としてのオリゴヌクレオチドの探索研究 (ヒューマンサイエンス振興財団S).
エイズ医薬品等開発研究報告 平成9年度. 1998; 19-26.
造血幹細胞のex vivo増幅と臨床応用に関する研究 (厚生省S). 造血細胞移植と免疫応答に関する研究班報告書 平成10年度 造血細胞移植の円滑な実施と成績向上に必要な基盤の整備に関する研究
厚生科学研究費補助金免疫・アレルギー等研究事業(臓器移植部門). 1999; 171-9.
SCID/huマウスによる感染病態の解析 (文部省S).
エイズの病態と制御に関する基礎研究 平成7-9年度. 1999; 301-6.
造血幹細胞のex vivo増幅と臨床応用に関する研究 (厚生省S).
免疫・アレルギー等研究事業(臓器移植部門)研究報告書 平成10年度. 1999; 205-13.
Ueda T, Tsuji K, Yoshino H, Ebihara Y, Yagasaki H, Hisakawa H, Mitsui T, Manabe A, Tanaka R, Kobayashi K, Ito M, Yasukawa K, Nakahata T.
Expansion of human NOD/SCID-repopulating cells by stem cell factor, Flk2/Flt3 ligand, thrombopoietin, IL-6, and soluble IL-6 receptor.
J Clin Invest. 2000; 105: 1013-21. [PMID:10749580]
Ueda T, Yoshino H, Kobayashi K, Kawahata M, Ebihara Y, Ito M, Asano S, Nakahata T, Tsuji K.
Hematopoietic repopulating ability of cord blood CD34(+) cells in NOD/Shi-scid mice.
Stem Cells. 2000; 18: 204-13. [PMID:10840074]
Yoshino H, Ueda T, Kawahata M, Kobayashi K, Ebihara Y, Manabe A, Tanaka R, Ito M, Asano S, Nakahata T, Tsuji K.
Natural killer cell depletion by anti-asialo GM1 antiserum treatment enhances human hematopoietic stem cell engraftment in NOD/Shi-scid mice.
Bone Marrow Transplant. 2000; 26: 1211-6. [PMID: 11149733]
Saito-Ito A, Tsuji M, Wei Q, He S, Matsui T, Kohsaki M, Arai S, Kamiyama T, Hioki K, Ishihara C.
Transfusion-acquired, autochthonous human babesiosis in Japan: isolation of Babesia microti-like parasites with hu-RBC-SCID mice.
J Clin Microbiol. 2000; 38(12): 4511-6. [PMID: 11101588]
Ma F, Wada M, Yoshino H, Ebihara Y, Ishii T, Manabe A, Tanaka R, Maekawa T, Ito M, Mugishima H, Asano S, akahata T, Tsuji K.
Development of human lymphohematopoietic stem and progenitor cells defined by expression of CD34 and CD81.
Blood. 2001; 97: 3755-62. [PMID: 11389013]
Ueda T, Yoshida M, Yoshino H, Kobayashi K, M. K, Ebihara Y, Ito M, Asano S, Nakahata T, Tsuji K.
Hematopoietic Capability of CD34+ Cord Blood Cells. A Comparison With CD34+ Adult Bone Marrow Cells.
Int J Hematol 2001;73:457-62. [PMID: 11503959]
Kosugi H, Ito M, Yamamoto Y, Towatari M, Ito M, Ueda R, Saito H, Naoe T.
In vivo effects of a histone deacetylase inhibitor, FK228, on human acute promyelocytic leukemia in NOD / Shi-scid/scid mice.
Jpn J Cancer Res. 2001; 92(5): 529-36. [PMID: 11376562]
Li C, Ando K, Kametani Y, Oki M, Hagihara M, Shimamura K, Habu S, Kato S, Hotta T.
Reconstitution of functional human B lymphocytes in NOD/SCID mice engrafted with ex vivo expanded CD34(+) cord blood cells.
Exp Hematol. 2002; 30(9): 1036-43. [PMID: 12225795]
Ishihara C, Zamoto A, Tsuji M, Wei Q, Azuma I, Hioki K.
Erythrocyte-replaced mouse model for Haemoparasite studies: comparison of NOD/shi-scid and C.B-17/Jcl-scid mouse upon acceptability of human erythrocytes.
J Vet Med Sci. 2003; 65(8): 831-7. [PMID: 12951413]
平松英文, 中畑龍俊.
ファルマシア. 2003; 39(2): 118-122.
平松英文, 中畑龍俊.
血液・腫よう科. 2003;.47(1): 46-51.
Zamoto A, Tsuji M, Kawabuchi T, Wei Q, Asakawa M, Ishihara C.
U.S.-type Babesia microti isolated from small wild mammals in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan.
J Vet Med Sci. 2004; 66(8): 919-26. [PMID: 15353841]
Andreassen J, Ito A, Ito M, Nakao M, Nakaya K.
Hymenolepis microstoma: direct life cycle in immunodeficient mice.
J Helminthol. 2004; 78(1): 1-5. [PMID: 14972030]
Nishishita T, Ouchi K, Zhang X, Inoue M, Inazawa T, Yoshiura K, Kuwabara K, Nakaoka T, Watanabe N, Igura K, Takahashi TA, Yamashita N.
A potential pro-angiogenic cell therapy with human placenta-derived mesenchymal cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004; 325(1): 24-31. [PMID: 15522196]
Hidefumi HIRAMATSU, Hisanori FUJINO, Toshio HEIKE, Mamoru ITO and Tatsutoshi NAKAHATA.
Sensitive in vivo Assay System for Human Stem Cells Using NOD/SCID/γcnull mice.
Acta Medica Nagasakiensia. 2005; 50: 39-3.
Kawabuchi T, Tsuji M, Kuwahara S, Nishida A, Shimofurutachi T, Oka H, Ishihara C.
Isolation of a human erythrocyte-adapted substrain of Babesia rodhaini and analysis of the merozoite surface protein gene sequences.
J Vet Med Sci. 2005; 67(9): 901-7. [PMID: 16210802]
Yasutake M, Zheng Y, Inoue-Nagamura T, Akagawa E, Tokushima Y, Terashima S, Takahashi TA.
SCID-repopulating activity of human umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem and/or progenitor cells in a nonobese diabetic/Shi-SCID mice serial xenotransplantation model and immune cell activities in vitro: a comparative study of the filter method and the hydroxyethyl starch method.
Transfusion. 2005; 45(12): 1899-908. [PMID: 16371042]
Ishijima T, Kobayashi Y, Lee DS, Ueta YY, Matsui M, Lee JY, Suwa Y, Miyahara K, Suzuki H.
Cryopreservation of canine ovaries by vitrification.
J Reprod Dev. 2006; 52(2): 293-9. [PMID: 16394621]
Nakaya K, Mamuti W, Xiao N, Sato MO, Wandra T, Nakao M, Sako Y, Yamasaki H, Ishikawa Y, Craig PS, Schantz PM, Ito A.
Usefulness of severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) and inbred mice for studies of cysticercosis and echinococcosis.
Parasitol Int. 2006; 55 Suppl: S91-7. [PMID: 16338168]
Nakamura T, Miyakawa Y, Miyamura A, Yamane A, Suzuki H, Ito M, Ohnishi Y, Ishiwata N, Ikeda Y, Tsuruzoe N.
A novel nonpeptidyl human c-Mpl activator stimulates human megakaryopoiesis and thrombopoiesis.
Blood. 2006; 107(11): 4300-7. [PMID: 16484588]
Yokota A, Kimura S, Masuda S, Ashihara E, Kuroda J, Sato K, Kamitsuji Y, Kawata E, Deguchi Y, Urasaki Y, Terui Y, Ruthardt M, Ueda T, Hatake K, Inui K, Maekawa T.
INNO-406, a novel BCR-ABL/Lyn dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suppresses the growth of Ph+ leukemia cells in the central nervous system, and cyclosporine A augments its in vivo activity.
Blood. 2007 Jan 1;109(1):306-14. [PMID: 16954504]
Ohdan H, Zhou W, Tanaka Y, Irei T, Fuchimoto Y, Egawa H, Asahara T.
Evidence of immune tolerance to blood group antigens in a case of ABO-incompatible pediatric liver transplantation.
Am J Transplant. 2007 Sep;7(9):2190-4. [PMID: 17640317]
Tomita A, Hiraga J, Kiyoi H, Ninomiya M, Sugimoto T, Ito M, Kinoshita T, Naoe T.
Epigenetic regulation of CD20 protein expression in a novel B-cell lymphoma cell line, RRBL1, established from a patient treated repeatedly with rituximab-containing chemotherapy.
Int J Hematol. 2007 Jul;86(1):49-57. [PMID: 17675267]
Kimura T, Asada R, Wang J, Kimura T, Morioka M, Matsui K, Kobayashi K, Henmi K, Imai S, Kita M, Tsuji T, Sasaki Y, Ikehara S, Sonoda Y.
Identification of long-term repopulating potential of human cord blood-derived CD34-flt3- severe combined immunodeficiency-repopulating cells by intra-bone marrow injection.
Stem Cells. 2007 Jun;25(6):1348-55. [PMID: 17303816]
Yonou H, Ochiai A, Ashimine S, Maeda H, Horiguchi Y, Yoshioka K, Ogawa Y, Hatano T, Tachibana M.
The bisphosphonate YM529 inhibits osteoblastic bone tumor proliferation of prostate cancer.
Prostate. 2007 Jun 15;67(9):999-1009. [PMID: 17440967]
Tawara T, Hasegawa K, Sugiura Y, Tahara T, Ishida I, Kataoka S.
Fully human antibody exhibits pan-human leukocyte antigen-DR recognition and high in vitro/vivo efficacy against human leukocyte antigen-DR-positive lymphomas.
Cancer Sci. 2007 Jun;98(6):921-8. [PMID: 17428256]
Eguchi H, Kuroiwa Y, Matsui A, Sada M, Nagaya N, Kawano S.
Intra-bone marrow cotransplantation of donor mesenchymal stem cells in pig-to-NOD/SCID mouse bone marrow transplantation facilitates short-term xenogeneic hematopoietic engraftment.
Transplant Proc. 2008 Mar;40(2):574-7. [PMID: 18374132]
Suzuki H, Ishijima T, Maruyama S, Yanagimoto Ueta Y, Abe Y, Saitoh H.
Beneficial effect of desialylated erythropoietin administration on the frozen-thawed canine ovarian xenotransplantation.
J Assist Reprod Genet. 2008 Nov-Dec;25(11-12):571-5. [PMID: 18972200]
Takeda T, Tezuka Y, Horiuchi M, Hosono K, Iida K, Hatakeyama D, Miyaki S, Kunisada T, Shibata T, Tezuka K.
Characterization of dental pulp stem cells of human tooth germs.
J Dent Res. 2008 Jul;87(7):676-81. [PMID: 18573990]
Motohashi N, Uezumi A, Yada E, Fukada S, Fukushima K, Imaizumi K, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y, Takeda S.
Muscle CD31(-) CD45(-) side population cells promote muscle regeneration by stimulating proliferation and migration of myoblasts.
Am J Pathol. 2008 Sep;173(3):781-91. [PMID: 18669618]
Kumano M, Miyake H, Kurahashi T, Yamanaka K, Fujisawa M.
Enhanced progression of human prostate cancer PC3 cells induced by the microenvironment of the seminal vesicle.
Br J Cancer. 2008 Jan 29;98(2):356-62. [PMID: 18182987]
Hiroyama T, Sudo K, Aoki N, Miharada K, Danjo I, Fujioka T, Nagasawa T, Nakamura Y.
Human umbilical cord-derived cells can often serve as feeder cells to maintain primate embryonic stem cells in a state capable of producing hematopoietic cells.
Cell Biol Int. 2008 Jan;32(1):1-7. [PMID: 17890111]
Hiroyama T, Miharada K, Sudo K, Danjo I, Aoki N, Nakamura Y.
Establishment of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived erythroid progenitor cell lines able to produce functional red blood cells.
PLoS One. 2008 Feb 6;3(2):e1544. [PMID: 18253492]
Sangai T, Fujimoto H, Miyamoto S, Maeda H, Nakamura M, Ishii G, Nagai K, Nagashima T, Miyazaki M, Ochiai A.
Roles of osteoclasts and bone-derived IGFs in the survival and growth of human breast cancer cells in human adult bone implanted into nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mice.
Clin Exp Metastasis. 2008;25(4):401-10. [PMID: 18307047]
Kobune M, Kawano Y, Takahashi S, Takada K, Murase K, Iyama S, Sato T, Takimoto R, Niitsu Y, Kato J.
Interaction with human stromal cells enhances CXCR4 expression and engraftment of cord blood Lin(-)CD34(-) cells.
Exp Hematol. 2008 Sep;36(9):1121-31. [PMID: 18562079]
Hiyama K, Tanimoto K, Nishimura Y, Tsugane M, Fukuba I, Sotomaru Y, Hiyama E, Nishiyama M.
Exploration of the genes responsible for unlimited proliferation of immortalized lung fibroblasts.
Exp Lung Res. 2008 Sep34(7):373-90.[PMID: 18716925]
Ohno N, Kajiume T, Sera Y, Sato T, Kobayashi M.
Short-term culture of umbilical cord blood-derived CD34 cells enhances engraftment into NOD/SCID mice through increased CXCR4 expression.
Stem Cells Dev. 2009 Oct;18(8):1221-6.[PMID: 19113880]
Kanazawa Y, Shimada A, Oikawa Y, Okubo Y, Tada A, Imai T, Miyazaki J, Itoh H.
Induction of anti-whole GAD65 reactivity in vivo results in disease suppression in type 1 diabetes.
J Autoimmun. 2009 Mar;32(2):104-9.[PMID: 19188044]
Okura H, Komoda H, Saga A, Kakuta-Yamamoto A, Hamada Y, Fumimoto Y, Lee CM, Ichinose A, Sawa Y, Matsuyama A.
Properties of hepatocyte-like cell clusters from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2010 Aug;16(4):761-70.[PMID: 19839740]
Matsubara K, Uchida N, Matsubara Y, Hyodo S, Ito M.
Detection of fetal cells in the maternal kidney during gestation in the mouse.
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2009 Jun;218(2):107-13.[PMID: 19478466]
Ishii T, Yasuchika K, Suemori H, Nakatsuji N, Ikai I, Uemoto S.
Alpha-fetoprotein producing cells act as cancer progenitor cells in human cholangiocarcinoma.
Cancer Lett. 2010 Aug 1;294(1):25-34 [PMID: 20149523]
Kishi M, Yasuda H, Abe Y, Sasaki H, Shimizu M, Arai T, Okumachi Y, Moriyama H, Hara K, Yokono K, Nagata M.
Regulatory CD8+ T cells induced by exposure to all-trans retinoic acid and TGF-beta suppress autoimmune diabetes.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Mar 26;394(1):228-32. [PMID: 20206130]
Fukaya R, Ohta S, Yamaguchi M, Fujii H, Kawakami Y, Kawase T, Toda M.
Isolation of cancer stem-like cells from a side population of a human glioblastoma cell line, SK-MG-1.
Cancer Lett. 2010 May 28;291(2):150-7. [PMID: 19913993]
Takeda H, Fujimori Y, Kai S, Ogawa H, Nakano T.
CD318/CUB-domain-containing protein 1 expression on cord blood hematopoietic progenitors.
Exp Ther Med. 2010 May;1(3):497-501. [PMID: 22993567]
Mihara K, Yanagihara K, Takigahira M, Kitanaka A, Imai C, Bhattacharyya J, Kubo T, Takei Y, Yasunaga S, Takihara Y, Kimura A.
Synergistic and persistent effect of T-cell immunotherapy with anti-CD19 or anti-CD38 chimeric receptor in conjunction with rituximab on B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Br J Haematol. 2010 Oct;151(1):37-46. [PMID: 20678160]
Okura H, Komoda H, Saga A, Kakuta-Yamamoto A, Hamada Y, Fumimoto Y, Lee CM, Ichinose A, Sawa Y, Matsuyama A.
Properties of hepatocyte-like cell clusters from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2010; 16(4): 761-70. [PMID:19839740]
Wada H, Kojo S, Kusama C, Okamoto N, Sato Y, Ishizuka B, Seino K.
Successful differentiation to T cells, but unsuccessful B-cell generation, from B-cell-derived induced pluripotent stem cells.
Int Immunol. 2011 Jan;23(1):65-74. [PMID: 21135032]
Sasaki N, Ishii T, Kamimura R, Kajiwara M, Machimoto T, Nakatsuji N, Suemori H, Ikai I, Yasuchika K, Uemoto S.
Alpha-fetoprotein-producing pancreatic cancer cells possess cancer stem cell characteristics.
Cancer Lett. 2011 Sep 28;308(2):152-61.[PMID: 21616586]
Yao H, Ashihara E, Strovel JW, Nakagawa Y, Kuroda J, Nagao R, Tanaka R, Yokota A, Takeuchi M, Hayashi Y, Shimazaki C, Taniwaki M, Strand K, Padia J, Hirai H, Kimura S, Maekawa T.
AV-65, a novel Wnt/β-catenin signal inhibitor, successfully suppresses progression of multiple myeloma in a mouse model.
Blood Cancer J. 2011 Nov;1(11):e43. [PMID: 22829079]
Yamaoka E, Hiyama E, Sotomaru Y, Onitake Y, Fukuba I, Sudo T, Sueda T, Hiyama K.
Neoplastic transformation by TERT in FGF-2-expanded human mesenchymal stem cells.
Int J Oncol. 2011 Jul;39(1):5-11. [PMID: 21573488]
Abdel-Ghani MA, Abe Y, Asano T, Suzuki H.
Effect of graft site and gonadotrophin treatment on follicular development of canine ovarian grafts transplanted to NOD-SCID mice.
Reprod Med Biol. 2011 May 28;10(4):259-266. [PMID: 29699099]
Wang B, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y, Yada E, Ito N, Nishiyama T, Nakamura M, Ono Y, Motohashi N, Segawa M, Masuda S, Takeda S.
Reprogramming efficiency and quality of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) generated from muscle-derived fibroblasts of mdx mice at different ages.
PLoS Curr. 2011 Oct 27;3:RRN1274.[PMID: 22101343]
Nishino T, Wang C, Mochizuki-Kashio M, Osawa M, Nakauchi H, Iwama A.
Ex vivo expansion of human hematopoietic stem cells by garcinol, a potent inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase.
PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e24298. [PMID: 21931675]
Okazaki T, Okazaki IM, Wang J, Sugiura D, Nakaki F, Yoshida T, Kato Y, Fagarasan S, Muramatsu M, Eto T, Hioki K, Honjo T.
PD-1 and LAG-3 inhibitory co-receptors act synergistically to prevent autoimmunity in mice.
J Exp Med. 2011 Feb 14;208(2):395-407. [PMID: 21300912]
Abe M, Suzuki K, Sakata C, Sugasawa K, Hirayama F, Koga Y, Kawasaki T, Naganuma S, Itoh H.
Pharmacological profile of AS1670542, a novel orally-active human thrombopoietin receptor agonist.
Eur J Pharmacol. 2011 Jan 10;650(1):58-63. [PMID: 20950606]
Kikuchi T, Morizane A, Doi D, Onoe H, Hayashi T, Kawasaki T, Saiki H, Miyamoto S, Takahashi J.
Survival of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the brain of a primate model of Parkinson's disease.
J Parkinsons Dis. 2011;1(4):395-412. [PMID: 23933658]
Yamauchi C, Fujii S, Kimura T, Kuwata T, Wada N, Mukai H, Matsumoto N, Fukayama M, Ochiai A.
E-cadherin expression on human carcinoma cell affects trastuzumab-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity through killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 on natural killer cells.
Int J Cancer. 2011 May 1;128(9):2125-37. [PMID: 21387286]
Matsuura Y, Yagi H, Matsuda S, Itano O, Aiura K, Kuroda S, Ueda M, Kitagawa Y.
Human liver-specific nanocarrier in a novel mouse xenograft model bearing noncancerous human liver tissue.
Eur Surg Res. 2011;46(2):65-72.[PMID: 21178358]
Eiichi Kawamoto, Hiraku Sasaki, Emi Okiyama, Takao Kanai, Hidehiro Ueshiba, Naoko Ohnishi, Takuo Sawada, Nobuhito Hayashimoto, Akira Takakura And Toshio Itoh.
Pathogenicity of Pasteurella pneumotropica in Immunodeficient NOD/ShiJic-scid/Jcl and Immunocompetent Crlj:CD1 (ICR) Mice.
Exp Anim. 2011; 60(5): 463–70. [PMID: 22041283]
Kimura S, Kuramoto K, Homan J, Naruoka H, Ego T, Nogawa M, Sugahara S, Naito H.
Antiproliferative and antitumor effects of azacitidine against the human myelodysplastic syndrome cell line SKM-1.
Anticancer Res. 2012 Mar;32(3):795-8. [PMID: 22399596]
Hosen N, Ichihara H, Mugitani A, Aoyama Y, Fukuda Y, Kishida S, Matsuoka Y, Nakajima H, Kawakami M, Yamagami T, Fuji S, Tamaki H, Nakao T, Sugiyama H.Nishida S, Tsuboi A, Iida S, Hino M, Oka Y, Oji Y,
CD48 as a novel molecular target for antibody therapy in multiple myeloma.
Br J Haematol. 2012 Jan;156(2):213-24. [PMID: 22098460]
Matsumoto K, Yokoo T, Matsunari H, Iwai S, Yokote S, Teratani T, Gheisari Y, Tsuji O, Okano H, Utsunomiya Y, Hosoya T, Okano HJ, Nagashima H, Kobayashi E.
Xenotransplanted embryonic kidney provides a niche for endogenous mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into erythropoietin-producing tissue.
Stem Cells. 2012 Jun;30(6):1228-35.[PMID: 22488594]
Hayashi T, Ding Q, Kuwahata T, Maeda K, Miyazaki Y, Matsubara S, Obara T, Natsugoe S, Takao S.
Interferon-alpha modulates the chemosensitivity of CD133-expressing pancreatic cancer cells to gemcitabine.
Cancer Sci. 2012 May;103(5):889-96.[PMID: 22320450]
Matsushima-Miyagi T, Hatano K, Nomura M, Li-Wen L, Nishikawa T, Saga K, Shimbo T, Kaneda Y.
TRAIL and Noxa are selectively upregulated in prostate cancer cells downstream of the RIG-I/MAVS signaling pathway by nonreplicating Sendai virus particles.
Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Nov 15;18(22):6271-83.[PMID: 23014529]
Kuriya G, Uchida T, Akazawa S, Kobayashi M, Nakamura K, Satoh T, Horie I, Kawasaki E, Yamasaki H, Yu L, Iwakura Y, Sasaki H, Nagayama Y, Kawakami A, Abiru N.
Double deficiency in IL-17 and IFN-γ signalling significantly suppresses the development of diabetes in the NOD mouse.
Diabetologia. 2013 Aug;56(8):1773-80.[PMID: 23699989]
Suzuki N, Yamazaki S, Yamaguchi T, Okabe M, Masaki H, Takaki S, Otsu M, Nakauchi H.
Generation of engraftable hematopoietic stem cells from induced pluripotent stem cells by way of teratoma formation.
Mol Ther. 2013 Jul;21(7):1424-31.[PMID: 23670574]
Yano F, Hojo H, Ohba S, Saito T, Honnami M, Mochizuki M, Takato T, Kawaguchi H, Chung UI.
Cell-sheet technology combined with a thienoindazole derivative small compound TD-198946 for cartilage regeneration.
Biomaterials. 2013 Jul;34(22):5581-7[PMID: 23623324]
Hoshina D, Abe R, Yoshioka N, Saito N, Hata H, Fujita Y, Aoyagi S, Shimizu H.
Establishment of a novel experimental model of human angiosarcoma and a VEGF-targeting therapeutic experiment.
J Dermatol Sci. 2013 May;70(2):116-22.[PMID: 23522954]
Kobayashi M, Kaneko-Koike C, Abiru N, Uchida T, Akazawa S, Nakamura K, Kuriya G, Satoh T, Ida H, Kawasaki E, Yamasaki H, Nagayama Y, Sasaki H, Kawakami A.
Genetic deletion of granzyme B does not confer resistance to the development of spontaneous diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice.
Clin Exp Immunol. 2013 Sep;173(3):411-8.[PMID: 23663075]
Okuyama H, Yoshida T, Endo H, Nakayama M, Nonomura N, Nishimura K, Inoue M.
Involvement of heregulin/HER3 in the primary culture of human urothelial cancer.
J Urol. 2013 Jul;190(1):302-10. [PMID: 23313199]
Chiba Y, Mizoguchi I, Mitobe K, Higuchi K, Nagai H, Nishigori C, Mizuguchi J, Yoshimoto T.
IL-27 enhances the expression of TRAIL and TLR3 in human melanomas and inhibits their tumor growth in cooperation with a TLR3 agonist poly(I:C) partly in a TRAIL-dependent manner.
PLoS One. 2013 Oct 14;8(10):e76159.[PMID: 24155891]
Chen MH, Soda Y, Izawa K, Kobayashi S, Tani K, Maruyama K, Tojo A, Asano S.
A versatile drug delivery system using streptavidin-tagged pegylated liposomes and biotinylated biomaterials.
Int J Pharm. 2013 Sep 15;454(1):478-85.[PMID: 23806815]
Takahashi RU, Takeshita F, Honma K, Ono M, Kato K, Ochiya T.
Ribophorin II regulates breast tumor initiation and metastasis through the functional suppression of GSK3β.
Sci Rep. 2013;3:2474[PMID: 23959174]
Yamamoto M, Taguchi Y, Ito-Kureha T, Semba K, Yamaguchi N, Inoue J.
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Tomoya Aikawa, Noriko Togashi, Koichi Iwanaga, Hiroyuki Okada, Yumi Nishiya, Shinichi Inoue, Mark J Levis, Takeshi Isoyama.
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Satoshi Kubota, Mie Tanaka, Hiroko Endo, Yu Ito, Kunishige Onuma, Yutaka Ueda, Shoji Kamiura, Kiyoshi Yoshino, Tadashi Kimura, Jumpei Kondo, Masahiro Inoue.
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Human iPSC-derived hypertrophic chondrocytes reveal a mutation-specific unfolded protein response in chondrodysplasias.
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Takahiro Yamanaka, Norifumi Harimoto, Takehiko Yokobori, Ryo Muranushi, Kouki Hoshino, Kei Hagiwara, Dolgormaa Gantumur, Tadashi Handa, Norihiro Ishii, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Takamichi Igarashi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichiro Araki, Ken Shirabe.
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Shinichi Umeda, Mitsuro Kanda, Takashi Miwa, Haruyoshi Tanaka, Chie Tanaka, Daisuke Kobayashi, Masamichi Hayashi, Suguru Yamada, Goro Nakayama, Masahiko Koike, Yasuhiro Kodera.
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Minoru Matsumoto, Koichi Tsuneyama, Junko Morimoto, Kazuyoshi Hosomichi, Mitsuru Matsumoto, Hitoshi Nishijima.
Tissue-specific autoimmunity controlled by Aire in thymic and peripheral tolerance mechanisms.
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Masahiro Kagabu, Naoto Yoshino, Tatsunori Saito, Yuki Miura, Ryosuke Takeshita, Kazuyuki Murakami, Hideki Kawamura, Tsukasa Baba, Toru Sugiyama.
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