
Animals/Diabetes Models/


Ordering name: NOD/ShiJcl
Nomenclature: NOD/ShiJcl
Availability: Live colony


Dr. Yoshihiro Tochino and Dr. Susumu Makino identified female mice that exhibited polyuria and were highly positive for urinary glucose among cataract mice (CT strain) derived from ICR-JCL mice. Because the symptoms of these mice resembled human type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), the strain was named NOD (Non-Obese Diabetes). In 1984, a contract was concluded among Shionogi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; the Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA); and CLEA Japan, Inc. Production of the strain was begun by the CIEA, and the supply of the strain was provided by our company.
Since January 2008, based on a contract between Shionogi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and CLEA Japan, Inc., this strain has been produced as NOD/ShiJcl for sale by our company.
“Shi” denotes the origin of the strain from Shionogi Pharmaceutical Col., Ltd.


Because of the destruction of β cells by insulitis in Langerhans islets in the pancreas, this strain spontaneously develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Insulitis involves a polygenic model that is genetically controlled by the presence of major histocompatibility (MHC) antigen and a number of related genes. Since diabetes does not occur in NOD mouse homozygously introduced with the nu gene, this characteristic is speculated to be a T cell-dependent autoimmune response. It has been confirmed that the time of onset and the incidence of diabetes in this strain differ depending on the production lot, and also rearing environments.

*According to a survey of the current production colony at our production facility, for females the age of onset is 18 weeks and the cumulative incidence rate is 60% up to 35 weeks of age, and for males the age of onset is 18 weeks and the cumulative incidence rate is 10% up to 35 weeks of age. (As of 2022)


  • Elucidation of the etiologic mechanisms of type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • Research and development of gene therapy

Background Data (weight, blood property, blood biochemistry, organ weight)

Promotion Info.

