Diet Research Data:Storage Test of High Fat Diet 32
1.Results of a 6-month storage test of High Fat Diet 32 in sealed packaging
2.Changes in High Fat Diet 32 after opening (2 weeks)
Related CLEA Japan product: High Fat Diet 32
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1.Results of a 6-month storage test of High Fat Diet 32 in sealed packaging
Since High Fat Diet 32 is stored at -20°C, we believe that changes in nutrients are very small compared to feed stored at room temperature. However, we conducted a storage test to understand the condition of fatty acids, which are relatively susceptible to changes due to conditions such as temperature and light.
Feed: High Fat Diet 32 manufactured on January 30, 2004
Packaging: Laminated double layer with oxygen absorber, sealed packaging
Storage temperature: Frozen (-20°C)
Analysis items: Fatty acid composition
Analysis dates: At the beginning of storage (early February), 3 months later (early May), and 6 months later (late July)
Table 1: Results of a 6-month storage test of High Fat Diet 32 in sealed packaging

Values in parentheses indicate relative values with 0 months (start) as 100%.
- Under the conditions of this test, there was almost no change in fatty acid composition after 6 months of storage.
- Although an oxygen absorber was packaged with the feed in this test, actual products do not use an oxygen absorber.
- In a previous storage test of Quick Fat, the presence or absence of an oxygen absorber did not affect the change in oil and fat. Therefore, it is highly likely that the presence or absence of an oxygen absorber does not affect the change in fatty acids in High Fat Diet 32, and the results of this test can be applied to actual products that do not use an oxygen absorber.
2.Changes in High Fat Diet 32 after Opening (2 weeks)
The purpose of this study was to observe changes in the lipids of the feed when it was placed in a mouse feeder.
(2)Materials and Methods
The feed was opened and placed in a laboratory with controlled temperature and humidity. Samples were taken at regular intervals, and acid value (AV) and peroxide value (POV) were analyzed to observe changes in the lipids in the feed.
① Test feed:
High Fat Diet 32 produced on January 30, 2004 was immediately sent to the Central Research Laboratory of Nippon Compound Feed Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (currently Feed One Co., Ltd.) and stored at -35°C.
② Storage location:
A laboratory at Nippon Compound Feed Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (currently Feed One Co., Ltd.) Central Research Laboratory with controlled temperature and humidity (temperature: 20-25°C, humidity: 40-60%) was used. The temperature and humidity during the test were recorded using an automatic temperature and humidity recorder.
③ Storage method:
The feed was placed in the feeding section of a mouse cage lid (mouse PC lid CL-0103-1PC) without any animals and placed on a rack in the laboratory. Sampling for analysis was conducted immediately after opening (0 days), and 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 days after storage. The sampled feed was sealed in a nylon polyethylene bag and stored at -35°C, and analysis was conducted collectively when samples were collected.
④ Analysis items: AV, POV
Analysis was conducted at the Central Research Laboratory of Nippon Compound Feed Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (currently Feed One Co., Ltd.).
The results are shown in Figures 1 and 2 and Table 3.
For about 4 days after the feed was placed in the feeder, the lipids in High Fat Diet 32 did not change significantly, suggesting that there is a low possibility of adverse effects such as a decrease in palatability. In this test, the experiment was conducted assuming that the feed was placed in a feeder for animals. Please refer to this data when setting the timing (frequency) of feed replacement when using High Fat Diet 32.
Figures 1 and 2: Changes in High Fat Diet 32 after opening
Samples were taken from the feed placed in a laboratory with controlled temperature and humidity at regular intervals, and AV and POV were analyzed to observe changes in the lipids in the feed.

Table 3: Changes in High Fat Diet 32 after opening

Values in parentheses indicate relative values with 0 days (start) as 100%.