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Academic Reference Archive (参考文献アーカイブ):klotho/Jcl・α-Klotho KO/Jcl

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Related CLEA Japan product: klotho/Jcl・α-Klotho KO/Jcl

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Kondo K, Nozawa K, Tomita T, Ezaki K
Salt-sensitive hypertension in transgenic mice overexpressing Na (+)-proton exchanger.
Circ Res. 1995; 76(1): 148-53. [PMID: 8001273]



Kuro-o M, Matsumura Y, Aizawa H, Kawaguchi H, Suga T, Utsugi T, Ohyama Y, Kurabayashi M, Kaname T, Kume E, Iwasaki H, Iida A, Shiraki-Iida T, Nishikawa S, Nagai R, Nabeshima YI.
Mutation of the mouse klotho gene leads to a syndrome resembling ageing.
Nature. 1997; 390: 45-51. [PMID: 9363890]



Shiraki-Iida T, Aizawa H, Matsumura Y, Sekine S, Iida A, Anazawa H, Nagai R, Kuro-o M, Nabeshima Y.
Structure of the mouse klotho gene and its two transcripts encoding membrane and secreted protein.
FEBS Lett. 1998; 424(1-2): 6-10. [PMID: 9537505]


大山 良雄, 宇都木 敏浩, 大野 富雄, 内山 強, 相澤 宏樹, 松村 穣, 伴野 祥一, 河津 捷二, 岡 芳知, 黒尾 誠, 鍋島 陽一, 永井 良三.
Diabetes Frontier. 1998; 9(3): 363-4.


山下照仁, 黒尾 誠, 鍋島陽一, 野田政樹.
実験医学. 1998; 16: 131-5.


Yamashita T, Nifuji A, Furuya K, Nabeshima Y, Noda M.
Elongation of the epiphyseal trabecular bone in transgenic mice carrying a klotho gene locus mutation that leads to a syndrome resembling aging.
J Endocrinol. 1998; 159(1): 1-8. [PMID: 9795335]



Kawaguchi H, Manabe N, Miyaura C, Chikuda H, Nakamura K, Kuro-o M.
Independent impairment of osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation in klotho mouse exhibiting low-turnover osteopenia.
J Clin Invest. 1999; 104(3): 229-37. [PMID: 10430604]


鍋島 陽一.
源流. 1999; 1: 43-50.



Kato Y, Arakawa E, Kinoshita S, Shirai A, Furuya A, Yamano K, Nakamura K, Iida A, Anazawa H, Koh N, Iwano A, Imura A, Fujimori T, Kuro-o M, Hanai N, Takeshige K, Nabeshima Y.
Establishment of the anti-Klotho monoclonal antibodies and detection of Klotho protein in kidneys.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000; 267(2): 597-602. [PMID: 10631108]


Suga T, Kurabayashi M, Sando Y, Ohyama Y, Maeno T, Maeno Y, Aizawa H, Matsumura Y, Kuwaki T, Kuro-O M, Nabeshima Y, Nagai R.
Disruption of the klotho gene causes pulmonary emphysema in mice. Defect in maintenance of pulmonary integrity during postnatal life.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2000; 22(1): 26-33. [PMID: 10615062]


Utsugi T, Ohno T, Ohyama Y, Uchiyama T, Saito Y, Matsumura Y, Aizawa H, Itoh H, Kurabayashi M, Kawazu S, Tomono S, Oka Y, Suga T, Kuro-o M, Nabeshima Y, Nagai R.
Decreased insulin production and increased insulin sensitivity in the klotho mutant mouse, a novel animal model for human aging.
Metabolism. 2000; 49(9): 1118-23. [PMID: 11016890]


Shiraki-Iida T, Iida A, Nabeshima Y, Anazawa H, Nishikawa S, Noda M, Kuro-o M, Nabeshima Y.
Improvement of multiple pathophysiological phenotypes of klotho (kl/kl) mice by adenovirus-mediated expression of the klotho gene.
J Gene Med. 2000; 2(4): 233-42. [PMID: 10953914]



Morishita K, Shirai A, Kubota M, Katakura Y, Nabeshima Y, Takeshige K, Kamiya T.
The progression of aging in klotho mutant mice can be modified by dietary phosphorus and zinc.
J Nutr. 2001; 131(12): 3182-8. [PMID: 11739863]



"IV.加齢モデル. 1.老化モデルとしてのklotho遺伝子変異マウス". ヒト型モデル動物. 井上 達, 他編.
シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京. 2002. p.85-94.


Nakamura T, Saito Y, Ohyama Y, Masuda H, Sumino H, Kuro-o M, Nabeshima Y, Nagai R, Kurabayashi M.
Production of nitric oxide, but not prostacyclin, is reduced in Klotho mice.
Jpn J Pharmacol. 2002; 89(2): 149-56. [PMID: 12120757]



Nagai T, Yamada K, Kim HC, Kim YS, Noda Y, Imura A, Nabeshima Y, Nabeshima T.
Cognition impairment in the genetic model of aging klotho gene mutant mice: a role of oxidative stress.
FASEB J. 2003; 17(1): 50-2. [PMID: 12475907]


永井 拓, 山田 清文, Hyoung-Chun Kim, 野田 幸裕, 鍋島陽一, 鍋島俊隆.
日本神経精神薬理学雑誌. 2003; 23: 211-7. [PMID: 14653227]


Tsujikawa H, Kurotaki Y, Fujimori T, Fukuda K, Nabeshima Y.
Klotho, a gene related to a syndrome resembling human premature aging, functions in a negative regulatory circuit of vitamin D endocrine system.
Mol Endocrinol. 2003; 17(12): 2393-403. [PMID: 14528024]



Takeshita K, Fujimori T, Kurotaki Y, Honjo H, Tsujikawa H, Yasui K, Lee JK, Kamiya K, Kitaichi K, Yamamoto K, Ito M, Kondo T, Iino S, Inden Y, Hirai M, Murohara T, Kodama I, Nabeshima Y.
Sinoatrial node dysfunction and early unexpected death of mice with a defect of klotho gene expression.
Circulation. 2004; 109(14): 1776-82. [PMID: 15037532]


Tohyama O, Imura A, Iwano A, Freund JN, Henrissat B, Fujimori T, Nabeshima Y.
Klotho is a novel β-glucuronidase capable of hydrolyzing steroid β-glucuronides.
J Biol Chem. 2004; 279(11): 9777-84. [PMID: 14701853]


Shimada T, Takeshita Y, Murohara T, Sasaki K, Egami K, Shintani S, Katsuda Y, Ikeda H, Nabeshima Y, Imaizumi T.
Angiogenesis and vasculogenesis are impaired in the precocious-aging klotho mouse.
Circulation. 2004; 110(9): 1148-55. [PMID: 15302783]


Li SA, Watanabe M, Yamada H, Nagai A, Kinuta M, Takei K.
Immunohistochemical localization of Klotho protein in brain, kidney, and reproductive organs of mice.
Cell Struct Funct. 2004; 29(4): 91-9. [PMID: 15665504]


Funada Y, Nishimura Y, Yokoyama M.
Imbalance of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 is associated with pulmonary emphysema in Klotho mice.
Kobe J Med Sci. 2004; 50(3-4): 59-67. [PMID: 15864012]


Klotho遺伝子欠損マウス. モデル動物の作製と維持(森脇和郎,山村研一,米川博通編)
(株)エル・アイ・シー, 東京, 938-48, 2004.



Sato I, Miyado M, Sunohara M.
NADH dehydrogenase activity and expression of mRNA of complex I (ND1, 51kDa, and 75kDa) in heart mitochondria of klotho mouse.
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 2005; 82(2): 49-56. [PMID: 16212276]


Suzuki H, Amizuka N, Oda K, Li M, Yoshie H, Ohshima H, Noda M, Maeda T.
Histological evidence of the altered distribution of osteocytes and bone matrix synthesis in klotho-deficient mice.
Arch Histol Cytol. 2005; 68(5): 371-81. [PMID: 16505583]



Suzuki H, Amizuka N, Noda M, Amano O, Maeda T.
Histological and immunohistochemical changes in the submandibular gland in klotho-deficient mice.
Arch Histol Cytol. 2006; 69(2): 119-28. [PMID: 16819151]


Toyama R, Fujimori T, Nabeshima Y, Itoh Y, Tsuji Y, Osamura RY, Nabeshima Y.
Impaired regulation of gonadotropins leads to the atrophy of the female reproductive system in klotho-deficient mice.
Endocrinology. 2006; 147(1): 120-9. [PMID: 16179415]


Urakawa I, Yamazaki Y, Shimada T, Iijima K, Hasegawa H, Okawa K, Fujita T, Fukumoto S, Yamashita T.
Klotho converts canonical FGF receptor into a specific receptor for FGF23.
Nature. 2006; 444(7120): 770-4. [PMID:17086194]



Sato A, Hirai T, Imura A, Kita N, Iwano A, Muro S, Nabeshima Y, Suki B, Mishima M
Morphological mechanism of the development of pulmonary emphysema in klotho mice.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007; 104(7): 2361-5. [PMID: 17284608]


Imura A, Tsuji Y, Murata M, Maeda R, Kubota K, Iwano A, Obuse C, Togashi K, Tominaga M, Kita N, Tomiyama K, Iijima J, Nabeshima Y, Fujioka M, Asato R, Tanaka S, Kojima K, Ito J, Nozaki K, Hashimoto N, Ito T, Nishio T, Uchiyama T, Fujimori T, Nabeshima Y.
α-Klotho as a regulator of calcium homeostasis.
Science. 2007; 316(5831): 1615-8. [PMID: 17569864]


Segawa H, Yamanaka S, Ohno Y, Onitsuka A, Shiozawa K, Aranami F, Furutani J, Tomoe Y, Ito M, Kuwahata M, Imura A, Nabeshima Y, Miyamoto K.
Correlation between hyperphosphatemia and type II Na-Pi cotransporter activity in klotho mice.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2007; 292(2): 769-79. [PMID: 16985213]


宮本賢一, 瀬川博子, 伊藤美紀子, 辰巳佐和子.
CLINICAL CALCIUM. 2007; 17(5): 698-703. [PMID: 17470998]


医学のあゆみ. 2007; 222(3): 225-31.



Suzuki H, Amizuka N, Oda K, Noda M, Ohshima H, Maeda T.
Histological and elemental analyses of impaired bone mineralization in klotho-deficient mice.
J Anat. 2008; 212(3): 275-85. [PMID: 18248363]


α-Klotho, FGF23の発見がもたらしたカルシウム・リン制御の新たなコンセプト.
CLINICAL CALCIUM. 2008; 18(7): 923-34. [PMID: 18591743]


医学のあゆみ. 2008; 227(8): 574-9.


Ishii M, Yamaguchi Y, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka Y, Ouchi Y.
Airspace enlargement with airway cell apoptosis in klotho mice: a model of aging lung.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008; 63(12):1289-98. [PMID: 19126841]



Bai X, Dinghong Q, Miao D, Goltzman D, Karaplis AC.
Klotho ablation converts the biochemical and skeletal alterations in FGF23 (R176Q) transgenic mice to a Klotho-deficient phenotype.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2009; 296(1): E79-88. [PMID: 18984852]


Nabeshima Y.
Discovery of α-Klotho unveiled new insights into calcium and phosphate homeostasis.
Proc Jpn Acad, Ser B. 2009; 85(3): 125-41. [PMID: 19282648]



Tomiyama K, Maeda R, Urakawa I, Yamazaki Y, Tanaka T, Ito S, Nabeshima Y, Tomita T, Odori S, Hosoda K, Nakao K, Imura A, Nabeshima Y.
Relevant use of Klotho in FGF19 subfamily signaling system in vivo.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010; 107(4): 1666-71. [PMID: 20080590]



坂部 勇, 他.
"32章 老化促進モデル. α-Klothoマウス".
完全版マウス・ラット疾患モデル動物活用ハンドブック. 秋山 徹,他編. 羊土社. 2011. p.510-2.


Satoko Shimasaki, Midori Kubota, Makiko Yoshitomi, Kyoko Takagi, Kazuma Suda, Katsumi Mera, Yukio Fujiwara, Ryoji Nagai.
Nω-(carboxymethyl)arginine Accumulates in Glycated Collagen and Klotho-deficient Mouse Skin.
ANTI-AGING MEDICINE. 2011; 8(6): 82-7.


Iida RH, Kanko S, Suga T, Morito M, Yamane A.
Autophagic-lysosomal pathway functions in the masseter and tongue muscles in the klotho mouse, a mouse model for aging.
Mol Cell Biochem. 2011; 348(1-2): 89-98. [PMID: 21082218]


Amano I, Imaizumi Y, Kaji C, Kojima H, Sawa Y.
Expressionof podoplanin and classical cadherins in salivary gland epithelial cells of klotho-deficient mice.
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 2011; 44(6): 267-76. [PMID: 22282587]



Takahashi M, Eda A, Fukushima T, Hohjoh H.
Reduction of type IV collagen by upregulated miR-29 in normal elderly mouse and klotho-deficient, senescence-model mouse.
PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e48974. [PMID: 23139829]


Sugiura H, Yoshida T, Shiohira S, Kohei J, Mitobe M, Kurosu H, Kuro-o M, Nitta K, Tsuchiya K.
Reduced Klotho expression level in kidney aggravates renal interstitial fibrosis.
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2012; 302(10): 1252-64. [PMID: 22338084]



Asada N, Katayama Y, Sato M, Minagawa K, Wakahashi K, Kawano H, Kawano Y, Sada A, Ikeda K, Matsui T, Tanimoto M.
Matrix-embedded osteocytes regulate mobilization of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells.
Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Jun 6; 12 (6):737-47. [PMID: 23746979]


Kawai M, Kinoshita S, Kimoto A, Hasegawa Y, Miyagawa K, Yamazaki M, Ohata Y, Ozono K, Michigami T.
FGF23 suppresses chondrocyte proliferation in the presence of soluble α-Klotho both in vitro and in vivo.
J Biol Chem. 2013 Jan 25;288(4):2414-27. [PMID: 23235154]


Inoue S, Sato T, Suzuki-Utsunomiya K, Komori Y, Hozumi K, Chiba T, Yahata T, Nakai K, Inokuchi S.
Sepsis-induced hypercytokinemia and lymphocyte apoptosis in aging-accelerated Klotho knockout mice.
Shock. 2013 Mar;39 (3):311-6. [PMID: 23364432]


Sasaki M, Hasegawa T, Yamada T, Hongo H, de Freitas PH, Suzuki R, Yamamoto T, Tabata C, Toyosawa S, Yamamoto T, Oda K, Li M, Inoue N, Amizuka N.
Altered distribution of bone matrix proteins and defective bone mineralization in klotho-deficient mice.
Bone. 2013 Nov; 57(1):206-19. [PMID: 23954506]



Yamashita, K., Yotsuyanagi, T., Yamauchi, M., & Young, D. M.
Klotho Mice: A Novel Wound Model of Aged Skin.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery–Global Open, 2(1), e101.


Maruyama N, Shibata Y, Mochizuki A, Miyazaki T, Inoue T, Maki K.
Age-related degradation of mouse cortical bone: implications for the α-klotho gene responsible for bone mechanical integrity in a series of nanoindentation experiments.
Recent Advances in Structural IntegrityAnalysis - Proceedings of the International Congress (APCF/SIF-2014) Pages 300–304


Sun Y, Zhou G, Gui T, Shimokado A, Nakanishi M, Oikawa K, Sato F, Muragaki Y.
Elevated serum 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 level attenuates renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction in kl/kl mice.
Sci Rep. 2014 Oct 9;4:6563. doi: 10.1038/srep06563. [PMID: 25297969]



Maruyama N, Shibata Y, Mochizuki A, Yamada A, Maki K, Inoue T, Kamijo R, Miyazaki T.
Bone micro-fragility caused by the mimetic aging processes in α-klotho deficient mice: in situ nanoindentation assessment of dilatational bands.
Biomaterials. 2015 Apr;47:62-71. [PMID: 25682161]


Sato S, Kawamata Y, Takahashi A, Imai Y, Hanyu A, Okuma A, Takasugi M, Yamakoshi K, Sorimachi H, Kanda H, Ishikawa Y, Sone S, Nishioka Y, Ohtani N, Hara E.
Ablation of the p16(INK4a) tumour suppressor reverses ageing phenotypes of klotho mice.
Nat Commun. 2015 Apr 29;6:7035. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8035. [PMID: 25923845]



Takenaka T, Inoue T, Miyazaki T, Hayashi M, Suzuki H.
Xeno-Klotho Inhibits Parathyroid Hormone Signaling.
J Bone Miner Res. 2016 Feb;31(2):455-62.[PMID: 26287968]


Jin J, Jin L, Lim SW, Yang CW.
Klotho Deficiency Aggravates Tacrolimus-Induced Renal Injury via the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Akt-Forkhead Box Protein O Pathway.
Am J Nephrol. 2016;43(5):357-65. [PMID: 27174564]


Yamauchi M, Hirohashi Y, Torigoe T, Matsumoto Y, Yamashita K, Kayama M, Sato N, Yotsuyanagi T.
Wound healing delays in α-Klotho-deficient mice that have skin appearance similar to that in aged humans - Study of delayed wound healing mechanism.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 May 13;473(4):845-52. [PMID: 27037022]



Fujino Y, Minamizaki T, Hayashi I, Kawakami A, Miyaji T, Sakurai K, Yoshioka H, Kozai K, Okada M, Yoshiko Y.
Comparative proteome analysis of wild-type and klotho-knockout mouse kidneys using a combination of MALDI-IMS and LC-MS/MS.
Proteomics Clin Appl. 2017 Mar 8. [PMID: 28276159]


Nakamura K, Miura D, Saito Y, Yunoki K, Koyama Y, Satoh M, Kondo M, Osawa K, Hatipoglu OF, Miyoshi T, Yoshida M, Morita H, Ito H.
Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents arterial calcification in klotho mutant mice.
PLoS One. 2017 Aug 3;12(8):e0181009.[PMID: 28771600]


Hasegawa Y, Hayashi K, Takemoto Y, Cheng C, Takane K, Lin B, Komohara Y, Kim-Mitsuyama S.
DPP-4 inhibition with linagliptin ameliorates the progression of premature aging in klotho-/- mice.
Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2017 Dec 1;16(1):154.


Hikone K, Hasegawa T, Tsuchiya E, Hongo H, Sasaki M, Yamamoto T, Kudo A, Oda K, Haraguchi M, de Freitas PH, Li M, Iida J, Amizuka N.
Histochemical Examination on Periodontal Tissues of Klotho-Deficient Mice Fed With Phosphate-Insufficient Diet.
J Histochem Cytochem. 2017 Apr;65(4):207-221.[PMID: 28122194]



Keiko Akasaka-Manya, Hiroshi Manya, Satomi Nadanaka, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoshitaka Kondo, Akihito Ishigami, Tamao Endo.
Decreased ADAM17 Expression in the Lungs of α-Klotho Reduced Mouse J Biochem.
2020 May 1;167(5):483-493. [PMID: 31951006]


Wakako Kawarazaki, Risuke Mizuno, Mitsuhiro Nishimoto, Nobuhiro Ayuzawa, Daigoro Hirohama, Kohei Ueda, Fumiko Kawakami-Mori, Shigeyoshi Oba, Takeshi Marumo, Toshiro Fujita.
Salt Causes Aging-Associated Hypertension via Vascular Wnt5a Under Klotho Deficiency.
J Clin Invest. 2020 Jun 29;134431 [PMID: 32597829]


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