Animals/Diabetes Models/
Ordering name: SDT fatty/Jcl
Nomenclature: SDT.Cg-Leprfa/JttJcl
Availability: Live colony
In 2004, Dr. Masuyama and Dr. Shinohara (Research Laboratories of Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Japan) established the congenic type 2 diabetes model Spontaneously Diabetic Torii fatty (SDT fatty) rat by introducing the fa allele of the Zucker Fatty rat into the genome of the original SDT rat 1). SDT fatty rats were introduced to Central Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Japan Tobacco Inc. (Japan) and were characterized in detail by Dr. Ohta and Dr. Sasase. CLEA Japan has received right of production and sales from Japan Tobacco Inc., and has distributed the animals as SDT fatty rats from 2012.
■ SDT fatty/Jcl 10 weeks of age data (*Japanese)
▼ Introduction of Various Diabetic Complications model(Nephrology, Retinopathy, and Cardiovascular)
▼ Secondary Sarcopenia: SDT fatty rat, spontaneous type 2 diabetic animal model
▼ Cholesterol-Loaded NASH: SDT fatty rats, type 2 diabetes and obesity model
▼ High-sucrose/high-fat diet promotes nephropathy: Introduction of obese type 2 diabetes model SDT fatty rats
▼ Diabetic peripheral neuropathy in SDT fatty rat, a new animal model of obese type 2 diabetes
▼ The results of research on Diabetic Retinopathy in SDT fatty rats