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  3. 190404 Physiogenex_CKD_Study

Physiogenex S.A.S. (仏)コラボレーション 糖尿病性腎症



弊社では代謝性疾患・合併症専門の前臨床CRO、Physiogenex社(仏)と共同で新規糖尿病性腎症モデルの開発を行っております。SDT fattyラットがヒト類似の糖尿病性腎症モデルに成り得るのではないかとのPhysiogenex社からの提案を受け、弊社とPhysiogenex社によるモデル開発がスタート致しました。

◆現時点(2017年)で確認されているSDT fatty ラット特性

手法: 片腎摘出および飲水への0.3%食塩付加
特徴: 早期(17週齢)発症

・ACE阻害剤 (Ramipril)

発表 New York Academy of Sciences (2016年9月8日)
題名 Unilateral Nephrectomy and Salt Supplementation in Spontaniously Diabetic Torii Fatty Rat Expedite Renal Complications and Glomerular Filtration Rate Decline within 10 Weeks
概要 SDT fattyラットは早期から糖尿病性腎症を示す (病理組織学的変化およびGFR低下)
  • Unilateral nephrectomy and salt supplementation in SDT fatty rat expedite renal complications resulting in a >50% GFR decline in only 10 weeks.
  • The SDT fatty rat therefore represents a robust model to evaluate drugs targeting diabetic nephropathy.
  • Anti-diabetic SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin and anti-hypertensive ACE inhibitor ramipril are currently under evaluation.

発表 Kidney Week (2016年11月18日)
題名 Dapagliflozin Improves Glycemic Control, Hypertension and is Neutral on Severe Renal Impairment in Uni-nephrectomized SDT fatty rat, a 10-week Model of Advanced Renal Complications and Glomeurular Filtratin Rate Decline.
概要 SGLT2阻害剤投与による高血糖および高血圧の改善を示す
  • Unilateral nephrectomy and salt supplementation in SDT fatty rat expedite renal complications resulting in a >50% GFR decline in only 10 weeks.
  • Our data suggest that SGLT2i with DAPA has no detrimental effect in uni-nephrectomized SDT fatty rat with advanced renal complications and >50% GFR decline.

発表 ISN  (2017年4月23日)
EDA-EDTA (2017年6月5日)
題名 10-week, but not 7-week, Dapagliflozin treatment improves sever renal impairment in Uni-Nephrectomized SDT fatty rat, a 10-week model of advanced renal complications and Glomerular filtration rate decline.
概要 SGLT2阻害剤投与にて腎臓の病理組織学的改善を示す
  • Dapagliflozin for 10 weeks, but not 7 weeks, significantly prevents advanced renal complications in Unx SDT fatty rats.
  • Long-term SGLT2i may be beneficial against kidney complications in the context of type 2 diabetes

発表 Kidney Week (2017年11月3日)
ISN Frontier (2018年3月23日)
Keystone Symposia Conference (2018年2月26日)
題名 Dapagliflozin Alone or Combined with Ramipril Improves Hyperglycemia, Hypertension, and Prevents Kidney Complications and GFR Decline in the Nephrectomized SDT Fatty Rat Model of Diabetic Nephropathy.
概要 SGLT2阻害剤投与にて腎臓合併症の改善、およびACE阻害剤とのコンビネーション投与にてGFR低下の遅延を示す
  • In the 10-week Unx SDT fatty rat under 0.3% salt, DAPA alone prevents kidney complications, while the combination with RAMI adds benefits by better delaying GFR decline.
  • Our data suggest that SGLT2i/ACEi combination prevents progression to ESRD.

発表 Kidney Week (2018年10月27日)
題名 Unilateral nephrectomy and salt loading differentially alter glomerular filtration rate in the hypertensive, obese, type 2 diabetic SDT fatty rat model of diabetic nephropathy
概要 食塩負荷濃度変更にて、GFR低下度合の調節が可能
  • In the SDT fatty rat, Unx and salt loading have limited effect on diabetic state, while it favors induction of dyslipidemia and differentially alter GFR.
  • Depending on the experimental setting, this rat model should be helpful to evaluate the effects of drugs on hyperfiltration and GFR decline for the treatment of DN.


