
Animals/Diabetes Models/


Ordering name: KK-Ay/TaJcl
Nomenclature: KK.Cg-Ay/TaJcl
Availability: Live colony


The obesity gene Ay was introduced to the KK mouse by Prof. Kyoji Kondo and Prof. Masahiko Nishimura to produce an improved type 2 diabetes model that develops obesity and hyperglycemia sooner and more severely than the KK mouse. Because mice of this strain have yellow body hair, they are also called “yellow KK.” This strain was introduced by Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., in a manner similar to that for the KK mouse, and we started the production and supply of this strain.

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▽ Blood glucose level

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The KK-Aymouse is a combined model made by the introduction of the Ay gene into the KK mouse. KK-Ay mice develop obesity and hyperglycemia at an earlier stage (7 or 8 weeks after birth) and more severely than KK mice. In particular, female mice become markedly obese, weighing more than male mice by 8 weeks after birth. The Ay gene is a dominant gene located in the second chromosome and has pleiotropic effects including obesity, hyperglycemia, body hair color, and fatality (Ay/Ay).
Male KK-Ay mice are raised by isolated rearing beginning seven weeks after birth to prevent injuries from fighting


  • Screening for anti-hyperglycemic drugs and analysis and elucidation of complications


Background Data (weight, blood property, blood biochemistry, organ weight) 


▼ KK-Ay mouse: Diabetic nephropathy model by Unilateral nephrectomy & Salt supplementation / Diet inducting (QF* and WD*)

▼ High-sucrose/high-fat diet promotes nephropathy: Introduction of obese type 2 diabetes model KK-Ay mice

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