
Animals/Outbred Strains/


Ordering name: Jcl:Wistar
Nomenclature: Jcl:Wistar
Availability: Live colony


This strain is a rat strain originating from the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia (USA). The Wistar Institute was named as a memorial to the famous anatomist Professor Casper Wistar at the University of Pennsylvania. We started the production and supply of this strain after it was introduced from Carworth (UK). The name of the strain has been changed as follows.

  • SD-JCL (beginning of supply to 1971)
  • JCL:Wistar (1972 to 1980)
  • Jcl:Wistar (1981 to date); Changed according to the International Registry.


These rats are medium-sized albinos with a good sensitivity to various factors. Their learning ability is particularly high.


These rats are used for studies in a variety of fields including behavioral pharmacology, toxicity, pharmacology, drug efficacy, and safety testing.

Background Data (weight, blood property, blood biochemistry, organ weight)

Background Data <font size="-1">(weight

Promotion Info.

