Animals/Other Disease Models and Germ-Free Animals/
Ordering name: SKG/Jcl
Nomenclature: BALB/c-Zap70m1Saka/Jcl
Availability: Live colony
Not genetically modified animal
SKG mouse (SKG/Jcl) shows natural symptom of human rheumatoid arthritis (RA) -like autoimmune arthritis so it may be a new useful human RA animal model.
This strain was found at the BALB/c mouse colony as the one showed joint swellings by Dr. Shimon Sakaguchi in 1994. The swellings seemed from the genetic mutation so it was bred the sib mating and established as the human RA-like spontaneity autoimmune arthritis mutant animal model.
This strain was introduced to CLEA Japan from Kyoto University Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences in 1999 (at that time the strain was F12) and started supplying from 2006. (F21 in Dec. 2005)
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