Equipment/Catalog 5:Clean Air System/bioBubble Clean Rooms
bioBubble Clean Rooms is the innovative clean room that has been developed by bioBubble, lnc., Colorado, U.S. It achieves durable, lightweight, and ease of cleaning and maintenance, since the technology used here is based on military aircraft and NASA-spec materials. Suitable clean rooms matching to any space availability and any environment can be easily constructed. Two configurations of bioBubble Clean Rooms are available: free standing type and architectural renovation type which can be accommodated with any existing building structure. You can choose any combination of these two types according to your needs.
With just one wrench, you can assemble and disassemble it. It is lightweight and easy to relocate. It is very flexible and expandable to match with any size of facility.
It maximizes available floor space and housing capacity by adjusting the design to best fit to a building