Diets/General Diets/
GLP-compliant diet consisting of animal protein (whitefish meal) with a proper balance of cereals and enriched with protein content and minerals.
GLP-compliant, standard rodent diet consisting of vegetable protein (soybean meal) with a proper balance of animal protein.
GLP-compliant, low-protein diet consisting mainly of vegetable protein (soybean meal)
Vitamin-enriched diet developed for the breeding and rearing of germ-free animals and immunodeficient animals (nude mice or rats, SCID mice, etc.)
Solid, high-calorie diet having a high fat content, originally developed for type-2 diabetes model animals.
Super-high-fat diet for diabetes and obesity disease model animal.
Containing high-quality animal protein (whitefish meal) as the main ingredient
GLP-compliant diet containing fiber sources of good quality to prevent hair loss during pregnancy and enriched with vitamins C and D3
GLP-compliant foamed diet containing high-quality animal protein (whitefish meal) as the main ingredient
For old World monkeys, enriched with vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in a heat-resistant and good-keeping form
For the breeding and rearing of New World monkeys (e.g., marmosets)
Developed by the Central Institute for Experimental Medicine and Life Science (CIEM) for exclusive consumption by miniature pigs
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